A Letter From Maxie.

by Chris Kamalski

Maxie truly is, "In Good Company!"

Maxie truly is, “In Good Company!”

May 2013

To All Our Dear Family, Friends, & Partners In Mission…

I am so grateful that God is always with me and that He constantly has the best in mind for me! Every single time, He seems to come up with ways to remind me that I am loved and that He has good in store for me. What I love is that God is really concerned with my heart and cares a great deal that I am cared for.

And it’s in this journey that I’ve come to a place where some change was needed. After being in full-time ministry and community development work for 11 years in some of the rough and painful places in our world, it’s become time for me to take some time out to care for and rest my own soul. A few months ago, after learning of a specific incident involving sexual assault and retributive justice in one of our communities, I realized that my own capacity to address such issues with compassion has been reached and I am in need of some restoration myself.

Right as I was realizing this, I received a wonderfully unexpected offer from my neighbor and dear friend to help her launch a Cape Town branch of a creative party and decor shop called In Good Company. After a great deal of prayer, consideration, and conversation with Chris, along with the full support of Bridges of Hope South Africa, I made the decision to accept this full-time shop assistant role while still assisting Bridges with fundraising and grant-writing on a part time basis, as Bridges continues to pursue becoming financially self-sustainable within South Africa.

I began my role part-time at the end of March while slowly transitioning my full-time responsibilities with Bridges of Hope, and it has already been such a restorative season in the past few weeks. I knew I needed to make this change for a reason and am excited to see what God will make of this obedience in loving myself well. I have realized that sometimes it is okay to take a season to primarily care for your own heart, because you need a well cared for heart to truly take care of others sustainably. I am certain that stepping out of full time ‘community development or missional work’ does not mean that I will not get the chance to be a part of some awesome stories of transformation in this coming season. And yet I also know that this is not the end of my work, but rather a different season to step into with joy!

I have already had some wonderful realizations about not only about myself but also towards what is stirring and growing in my heart as I look towards the future. Thank you for walking with me into this new season, and for partnering in encouragement, support, and tangible resources for Chris and I. I look forward to sharing stories of this new adventure with you!

Grace and peace friends,

Maxie Kamalski

P.S. I recently wrote an article for EKerk, an online South African teaching ministry, where I reflected on some of these personal themes in a more general way. Entitled, “Love Your Neighbor As You Love Yourself,” you can read it here. We sincerely hope it blesses you in your own journey of transformation.

P.P.S Head to Facebook for an album showing off the new shop!